W&D Envelope Machines
Technomatic an envelope and paper bag machines all in one shop for repairs and upgrades. We have over 20 years of experience which can help you to maintain your paper converting business and high standard. We offer complete services range for the envelope and paper bag industry.
Obviously we offer full range of services as reconditioning, overhauling, renovation, rebuilding and upgrading of used envelope and paper bag machines; on-site equipment installation (dismantling, rigging and shipping); new plant start-ups and on-site operator training.
We specialize in the comprehensive renovation and modernization of production lines, as W&D (Winkler+Dünnebier) Holweg, Honsel, W&H Truimph, Garant, Windmöller & Hölscher, Manzoni, Fischer & Krecke, SPM, Gutenberg. We also undertake the relocation of equipment, from the dismantling of the production line and its transportation to the new location, to the rebuilding of the machine and the start-up of operations with trained operators.
We are also involved in the construction of prototype solutions. At the customer's request, we can develop and present construction equipment and machinery concepts. We can also rebuild old drive systems by adding functionality and the reliability of modern solutions.
Our main goal is to keep very the highest standards.
Read more information about us or check our services section to check our achievements and undergoing projects.

W+D 202 Upgrade with 23 servo-motors

Complete servo-technology upgraded machine.

249 Cross Scoring

To improve the quality of your envelopes we will change the position of the Cross Scoring section, and provide the Cross Scoring section with the latest Mitsubishi servo technology and synchronize the encoder to the knife format.
The original Cross Scoring section of the 249 is placed between the separating cutting section and the bottom flap folding section causing paper jam, crash ups and imprecise score.
The original Cross Scoring section does not allow the machine adjusters to easily set the scoring shaft pressures to give a good quality product at higher speeds.
To avoid those problems the Technomatic Cross Scoring unit is placed between the printing section and the form cutting section of the W+D 249 and synchronised with the format knife. The Technomatic Cross Scoring unit will significantly improve the quality of your products and will reduce quality variations to achieve your customer quality specifications.

Upgrade Printing Tower 4 colour with 4 -2 Servo

Our upgrade kit consists of the following equipment:
4 Servos, 1 per print section and 2 servos for web tension.
- 4 Servomotors and 4 inverters (1 for each Print Section).
- 1 Servomotor and inverter before printing for web tension control
- 1 Servomotor and inverter after printing for web tension control
- Complete electrical wiring
- PLC for in- and output control & motion control
- Camera for print quality control
- Encoder for synchronization with W+D 102
- Touchscreen panel for parameter control
- Software development and programming
- EWON internet connection module

W+D 326 Classic Refurbished

Dismantling of the complete machine
Cleaning, sandblasting frame, modules and painting
Repainting of the Frame
Replace - recondition all gears and cylinders
Replace all bearings (SKF)
Replace all rubber rolls / cylinders
Reassemble machine

W+D 102 Rebuilt & Upgraded

Fully Servo-Technology controlled envelope machine upgraded by Technomatic.
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Stork ContiWeb Upgrade kit

Upgrade package for your Stork Contiweb splicer to eliminate the existing electronic problems and the difficulty to find spare parts. Resulting in a gain of production efficiency and reliability.
- Change and reinstall the paper roll drive and web tension drive with 2 Mitsubishi servo-motors.
- Install the respective controllers and regulators.
- Install new HMI - PLC and touchscreen control panel.
- Complete rewiring of the cabinet.
- Change all electronic components.
- Replace the pneumatic system with a new pneumatic Valve Terminal.
- Provide a Wireless modem for Technomatic technical support.